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help I can't figure out the inflation table

what i've got so far is: if you're in a Hamlet, you can buy up to 10 Supply, and then prices double. And then you can buy up to 20 supply at doubled prices? or just 10 more (10+10=20)?

I'm hopelessly in love with zealots and also at acomplete loss on creating covenants.  Any tips on where I can find some examples or an explanation for kindergarteners?

Are there any plans to do a print run of Errant? I was looking for a print copy but it seems to be sold out everywhere.

The next print run is already underway! As of now our new inventory is in transit between the printer and our warehouse. When new copies are available the first place you'll be able to get them is here:


Can you make an epub version of this?


An epub version is currently in progress and almost ready to be released. I'll follow up with you when it goes live!


Ah nice. That will scale even better on my Supernote! :)


Supernote has been a game changer for reading RPG books!

I wanted to put the epub version on my supernote, but it says it is DRM protected. Was there a key or something I need to unlock it so I can read it from my supernote cloud?


Seconding the call for an epub version! I am planning on buying the physical copy but at the moment I'm travelling and would get a lot of use out of an epub.


I'm in love with my remarkable tablet for this reason. Can read and do marginalia in e-ink on pdfs.

Epub is ready for download! :)

It took longer than expected, but the epub version is available now!


Has anyone seen if there has been any Errant specific fan made supplements or materials? I'm loving the content and hoping to see a Jam or OGL material as well


Errant is the OSR game we were always promised. A triumph of old-school-inspired design, an excellent book, a game that respects and supports its GMs and players, and hopefully a milestone in RPG history.


Any plan to make a form-fillable character sheet? And/or some other digital usable character sheet?

(1 edit) (+1)

We are currently working on a full Google sheets based campaign sheet, which will have built in character keepers.

There is a very nice and well made google sheet here as well.



Exactly what I was looking for, thanks!


Listen. I hate procedure. I will make things up constantly, fudge numbers, and operate purely on vibes whenever I can.

That said, Errant is a staggering accomplishment in applying procedure to every aspect of a fantasy adventure, allowing you to flesh out your players actions and make them earn their victories in a cool and engaging way. (I especially liked Lockpicking and the Magic/Grimoire system.)

All told, you can't make me follow procedure, but Errant will have a permanent spot in inspiring how I design encounters for my players.


One of the most comprehensive OSR products of recent years. I predict that the huge number of 2d6 downtime procedures will become a common point of reference for many. The rest of it is pretty good as well, especially the magic system. I could take or leave the combat system, but it gets the job done and I must admit to not having play tested it. Check it out!


This book is bananas. There is so much here I don't know where to start. Looking forward to reading it all. Slowly, probably.


I've been super excited about this for a while, extremely hyped to finally see it out!